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Archive by Category BestBrewChallenge

Let’s brew some Saison!

Hoping for a nice funky Vienna Saison![...]

Auf geht´s … lasst uns brauen.

__Wie letztes Jahr starten wir auch heute mit unserem BestBrew- Challenge-Sud! Diesmal mit unseren zwei Braueuelen. Zwei Braueulen gleichzeitig einen Sud heißt:  doppelter Spaß und doppelte Freude am Brauen 😉 _[...]

Starting the work…..

Indutora Homebrew making a Helles Bock, right now!!!![...]

Mashed in!

Bad Rappenau has started.[...]

Getting ready to mash in!

Almost up to temp and ready to go. Good luck everybody![...]

Greetings to everybody

We wish everybody a lot of fun as well as good beers! Weather is good here in Germany and we are about to start 🙂 All doors in flight! Cheers everybody   Grasslandsbrewers[...]

Open air brewing!

The weather is awesome here in Lübeck. We just installed the small pilot system in the backyard. Almost ready to go![...]

BEST Malts are ready …

… for being mashed in tomorrow at 14.00 h !    [...]

Mr. Malt®’s recipe: Dark Saison

Hi everybody! Ready for the Best Brew Challenge? What are you going to brew tomorrow? Here at Mr. Malt® the recipe is decided: we are brewing a Dark Saison. Courious about it? Then read on. OG: 1.047 FG: 1.004 ABV:[...]