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1te Obenberger Altbier Brauerei

This is a 1 person homebrew site. I started in 2016 with a small batch 25 l equipment. For the Challenge, I will put my stuff to the newarby Danube river and brew outside in the green. I informed some interested people about the challenge, maybe I will have some helping hands over there. Position is 48°13'53.4"N 14°33'49.3"E ! Looking forward to hearing of your challenge results. Cheers, Lutz

Articles Posted by 1te Obenberger Altbier Brauerei

Day Summary / Zusammenfassung aus Österreich / Obenberger Pale Ale

9:00 Prepared, packed, 2 Cars with Trailer 10:00 Arrived at location 12:00 The 2 Ovens are prepared and the drinks are on ice. 13:30 the mashing water is heated up with the gas oven 14:00 Mashing begins (Mathias and Christian)[...]

Set / ready /GO!

Hi, the First Challenge is over, to bring everything inclusive Drinks for 40 possible visitors to the Danube (Donau) River.😀 ONly Music is missing nur so many Ships are Passing.[...]

Prepared for the Challenge?

Here we go, Malt has been prepared in the garden, the receipe is ready.[...]