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Day Summary / Zusammenfassung aus Österreich / Obenberger Pale Ale

Day Summary / Zusammenfassung aus Österreich / Obenberger Pale Ale

9:00 Prepared, packed, 2 Cars with Trailer

10:00 Arrived at location

12:00 The 2 Ovens are prepared and the drinks are on ice.

13:30 the mashing water is heated up with the gas oven

14:00 Mashing begins (Mathias and Christian) rest for 60 minutes @ 63 Deg. Celsius


14:22 keeping the heat and securing the mash is well (Robert, Thomas, Lutz)

14:43 heating up the infusion water to step up to 72 Deg. Celsius (8 Liters) with the wood heated oven

15:00  Infusion to 72 Deg. Rest for 20 minutes

15:35 Prepare for lautering


16:50 Lautering finished, first hops are given heating up for boiling, wort looks like the danube water 🙂14 Deg BRIX ( we need more wort out of the filter)

17:02 Boilingstart for 90 minutes  (hops 2 / cascade given 35 min prior to end of boil)

18:50 Whirlpool for 5 minutes (hops 3 / cascade given to whirlpool)

19:20 to 19:50 filtering ( no cooling ) preparing to leave,


20:05 Break, take a beer

20:17  The STORM is coming, we had to leave immediately!






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1 Comment

  1. BALCK

    Good job!

    7 MONTHS AGO |

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