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Articles Posted by BestBrewChallenge

Record-breaking Simultaneous Brew Challenge: 227 Participants from 22 Countries

The winning beer of the BestBrewChallenge 2019 was brewed by a team from the Rheinhessen-Bräu brewery in Mainz (Germany) led by brewer Sebastian Selz. With theeir copper-colored “Callista summer”, the Germans managed to surpass all 227 participants. Second place was[...]

Announcement of the winners

The winners of the BestBrewChallenge 2019 will be announced at November 12th, 10.30 AM at BESTMALZ stand (hall 1, stand 512) at BRAUBeviale in Nurmenberg. Visit the stand and taste the winning beer![...]

Glassware: Which glass goes with which beer?

The bottle cap pops, and the hostess at the party asks, “Do you want a glass or would you rather drink from the bottle?” The guest answers, “From the bottle, it’s already in a glass!”. Drinking out of a bottle[...]

Sommeliers taste 103 beers for the BestBrewChallenge 2019

Brewing a Festbier style beer – that was the task for this year’s BestBrewChallenge. The task for the professional beer sommeliers during the tasting in July was to select the best beers. Out of 227 registered participants who participated in[...]

Deadline went by, tasting is coming

Thank you for sending in your beers! We received round about 130 pakets this year. A new record! Unfortunately we had to winnow round about 30 beers because of missing documentation sheets, not using  BEST Caramel Munich II or not[...]

The prizes for the BEST video are going to…

…homebrewer teams in Italy and Germany! As you know we announced a prize for the BEST video regarding the mashing day of the BestBrewChallenge in April 2019. By the way, this was the idea of our CEO Dr. Axel Göhler.[...]

Share your photos and videos on our social wall!

Dear BestBrewChallenge participants! Today is the big day! We have integrated a Social wall into our website, which you can also access fullscreen on your home device (computer, smart TV, LCD projector) under the following URL: https://walls.io/bestbrew Post your photos and[...]

#BestBrewChallenge 2019: Let’s celebrate!

International brewing competition in the year of Palatia Malz GmbH’s 120th anniversary There are plenty of occasions to celebrate during the BestBrewChallenge 2019: Firstly, the fifth edition of the international brewing competition kicks off on German Beer Day on 23[...]