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Engeldorfer Hoppythek

Microbrewery, 50L Speidel Braumeister Experimental Brewing India Pale Ale, PAils (topfermenting Pilsener), Alt, Kofent

Articles Posted by Engeldorfer Hoppythek

Brewing in a Speidel Braumeister

Most of the other participants of the #BestBrewChallenge are probably brewing in a larger scale. Engeldorfer Hoppythek is brewing in a 50 Liter scale, using a Speidel Braumeister BM50. Recipe uploaded to Braumeister shortly before mashing. Ready to mash in[...]

Heidelberg Malt arrived in time

Thanks to the great service of BEST malt my order of 25kg BEST Heidelberger Malt arrived in time. 20 minutes before #BestBrewChallenge mashing start. I had to hurry up with manual milling …[...]

12 kg Malt mashed in 50 Liter Braumeister

Close to the maximum of 13 kg, expecting around 13 °P.[...]

Mashing completed

Engeldorfer Hoppythek has completed mashing.   10kg Best Heidelberger 1kg Wheat Malt 1kg Cara Pils[...]

Preparing for Best Brew Challenge

It’s Best Brew Challenge Day ![...]